Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Long Time

If there's even anyone still around that follows, or rather followed, this blog you'll notice it's been quite a while since I last posted. What can I say? Sometimes life takes a hold and doesn't stop. Between being a full time wife, working mother of two, school/church volunteer, and more I simply became overwhelmed and decided I needed to take a step back from reviewing. It was hard to put that part of my heart on the shelf and ignore it for so long, but thankfully I was never so positioned to have to give up reading itself. If so, I'd likely be writing this from the middle of the looney bin right now because books keep me sane. :P

So, anyways, it's now a few years down the road and I've once again begun reading to review and not just for the sheer fun of it. I don't always have the most reliable internet connection, unfortunately, but I believe I should have no trouble posting my reviews here every week or so.

Wish me luck!

Cheers and Happy Reading! =)

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