The Marriage Project: 21 Days to More Love and Laughter by Kathi Lipp
(Love & Marriage)
Marriage is a funny thing.
When a couple first gets together everything is exciting and new. Both partners are simply head over heels about one another, and there's never a dull moment. Kisses, whispered sweet nothings, breakfast in bed, lazy walks to no where in particular, conversations about anything and everything that can go on and on for hours. These are just a small sampling of the things relationships are made up of in the beginning. And then time to starts slip by. We grow together but we also grow apart. There can be many reasons for such changes- as we grow older our interests change, our physical appearances change (for better or worse), our family grows to include children, and time in general becomes thinned out by all the new responsibilities we've taken on as a couple and as individuals.
It's an unfortunate truth that, sadly, many couples haven't figured out how to recover from. Hence the unseemly number of separations, divorces, and just generally unhappy couples our world has become accustomed to seeing these days. No one expects us to go on living in the "honeymoon" stage for the rest of our lives, but shouldn't there be a happy medium between the "newly wed" and the "newly dead" marriage stage?
Kathi Lipp, author of The Marriage Project believes so. What if, instead of growing apart as we grow up we actually grow closer together? Kathi believes that despite the number of distractions we, as couples, face in today's hustle and bustle there is still plenty of room for growth. If you have kids there's no denying the fact that they are likely the primary focus of your relationship. They just are. You want everything to be the best it can be for them and that means if you sacrafice time with your spouse in order to make it happen then so be it. It's an honorable thing to want the very best for your kids, but what would be even better for your kids would be to see mom and dad falling truely, madly, and deeply back in love like in the days before kids and all that grown up responsiblity really set in. And why can't a happy, fulfilling marriage be great for the parents as well as for the kids?
No matter whether you have an already brilliant marriage or are struggling to maintain a once spectacular but now dulled marriage. Kathi believes that in just 21 days you can not only improve your marriage, but make it like it was in those first days of courtship. You don't have to have a marriage on the rocks to want to make it better. Everyone can always improve on something, and better to work on improvements before they're absolutely necessary.
Every strong successful marriage should include intimacy, warmth, tenderness, and fun. And it's these things exactly that Kathi's book helps couples to rediscover and include in their own relationships. Reader who follow along with the book's 21 day marriage project will not only make themselves better as individuals but they'll increase the love and connection between themselves and their partners. A plan that includes step by step detailed instructions on how to wow and woo your significant other is neither time consuming or costly, but it does require you to invest yourself.
Written with an easy application process in mind, this is a book that any couple at any stage of life can follow. For each of the 21 days readers will find a new project to complete. It may be something as simple as writing a loving note to their partner, or it may be more indepth such as requiring the couple to plan a special date night. Again, nothing is too extravagant, and the entire purpose of the book is to help bring couples closer together. Especially for those of us with kids in the home, one day they'll grow up and move out. What will we be left with then if for the past 18+ years we've done nother to strengthen our relationship with our spouse but have invested all of our time and money in our kids? We'll be left with nothing. That much time and energy later do you really think both you and your partner are going to be the same people that you married? It's doubtful. Sure you'll both be the same person to an extent, but you can go for that much time and through that many life changing events and not be changed. Why not change together and ensure when the time comes that your kids are grown, you'll still have something in common besides being their parents?
I believe I already have a wonderful marriage, but I'm not so prideful as to believe it can't be better. With that being said, I can't wait to start this project!
Mini Author Bio
Kathi Lipp is a national speaker and author who inspires women to take beneficial action steps in their personal, marital and spiritual lives. Her wit and wisdom will give you new ways to:
Avoid settling for less than God’s loving plan for your life.
Develop new levels of warmth and tenderness with your husband
Return fun and flirting to your marriage
Boost your confidence to follow God-given dreams and goals.
Create and environment of encouragement in your friendships
Join Kathi and renovate your life with a project for your soul!
Thanks to Kathi and her publisher for this wonderful review opportunity!!! It's been a real pleasure. :)
~Bookish Mom (aka RebekahC)
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